Wednesday 14 September 2011

Low Budget Ideas 1

From watching this video made by A level students you can see that they have tried to follow the conventions of a cheesey boy band video. From the close up shots showing the emotion of the character we can tell they have tried to impersonate typical groups like JLS. Also looking at the shots of the band performing together, is it much like a typical shot of a band, as in the majority of music videos there are shots of the band all in the same frame. As you can see, there are typical shots of intimacy like in almost every music video nowadays. I like the fact that in this video it starts the same as it ends, with the boy looking at the picture of the girl. I like the fact that in this video, it isn't just lip syncing it is also a storyline, to keeo the viewers from getting bored of the video.
This video is very well lip synced, and it is all in time with the song. The lighing in this video is very appropriate, as when they mood appears to be happy, when they're with the girl it is quite bright and cheery, and when the mood is more sinister and serious, it appears dark and more gloomy. They have used a variety of different settings which i found interesting, as it prevented me from getting bored throughout the video.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of contact sheets. This analysis is a bit brief though. JIN
