Thursday 29 September 2011

Low Budget ideas 2 - Fake tales of San Francisco

Image one is a very conventional image of many boy band videos, it features all of the band in one shot performing the beginning of the song. This shot is much like a film, almost like an establishing shot showing the characters if you like, and so the audience can get a grasp of who is playing.
Much like all boy bands, they have a lead singer, and here this shot shows us the lead singer. This is a very conventional aspect of a music video as the audience are able to determine what roles the individuals play in the band. By having a side on shot, it differentiates from a normal video, where they usual stare right into the camera as if making eye contact with the audience.
The third screen shot I took was of the first shot we see rather than inside of the house, where they all stand together. From here on it starts to build up a story as they are out the house travelling in the car going somewhere. You can see that they were on a low budget on this video as the camera is not steady and the shot is a bit "wobbly".
The fourth image is a an important prop for the audience to understand where the story is going as it clearly shows, in centre screen, a pint of beer. The reason that this prop is directly in the middle of the screen is due to the fact that it is the most important feature in this shot. Also you can see the characters in the background looking pretty chilled out and in a neutral body position, which suggests that he is relaxing in a pub.
The fifth image is very effective as it shows 3 different lifestyles in 1 shot, as we can see call cubicles open in the toilet. The intimate couple are placed in the centre of the shot, as they want to emphasise this the msot, portraying it to be a more 'happy' song and that people are in a good mood throughout. The black and white effect in this shot is also clever, as we do not know when the time scale of this shot was taken: night or day, so these kinda of occurances can happen at any time. This gives us an incite into the area their video is shot in.
The sixth image is a close up of one of the band members. I chose this image as one if my 9 as i think it is important that the audience still remember the artists rather than just watching the video and by having a close up of the drummer in action, we can see where the music is coming from. However it is not a shot of his face which is a bit different as instead it is a shot of his foot actually in action on the drum
The seventh image is a very clever image, as it is a birds eye view shot onto the pool balls. I think this is an appropriately chosen shot, as it features them playing casually and having a laugh. However this specific shot of the balls showing them disperse can be a literal metaphor for their feelings, as they are being 'free' or released.
The eighth image I have selected is another band moment, and it features a close up of the guitarist. This is very conventional in many music vidoes, especially of the rock genre, to have a guitar solo and have it featured in the video, this is also a useful thing to feature if on a low budget, because all you need is a guitar and someone to perform. Also the guitar is a pretty important instrument and in solo's is often the loudest/only instrument playing.
The ninth image I have chosen helps to rap up the music video, as previously we saw the glass of beer pretty full and here we see it empty, so we know that either the scene is changing/moving on, or the video is about to end. The shot is cleverly framed as inbetween the bottles we see the characters leaving the pub/bar as if they have had enough or finished their business there. The lighting seems pretty neutral and you can see the reflection of the sunlight off of the glass so we know roughly what kind of time it is.

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