Monday 5 September 2011

Analysis of Rock video 3: Red 'Breathe into me'
The video for this song has disabled the embed feature so i will have to leave the link here.
'Breathe into me' is performed by a band called Red. Red are quite a small band compared to someone like Metallica, who have had chart hits and many albums. Although they have a small budget, they have still attempted to make a sterotypical rock video, being that the emotions are running very high and there are a lot of fast paces shots. Also by the use of lots of dark and gloomy colours, you get that low emotion feeling, like something has gone wrong or is about to go wrong.
1- This first image i have chosen is the first image that we see as the video starts. Immediately we can tell there is something wrong as there is somebody in a hopsital bed. The camera is central so that we can see the whole of the patient immediately. The colours are very boring and dull, which shows that maybe she is not cared about, also that is reiterated due to the fact she is on her own.
2- The second image is the first time we see the band playing together, however it is not a normal way to portray the first seeing of the band. They appear to be hidden behind some kind of curtain and our view of them is obscured. Again the colours are very dull and boring, besides a very dark red 'shard' like object in the centre of the screen.
3- The third image is a very close up shot of the patient and we can see that she is in trouble as she has a facemask on. Her face is right in the middle of the screen which shows that she is the most important in the screen at that moment. Again the colours are very plain and boring which shows the lack of wealth of this lady and the appartment she appears to be in.
4- This next image I chose because I thought it was rather strange and completely out of context at this point in the video. The picture appears to be of the lady on the bed, but she seems reletivley pleased however the colours again are very neutral blacks and whites, and she is looking straight at the camera as if to reach out to the audience.
5- This is a very scary image as we can see the women lying on the bed again, with the lyrics being sung in the background 'breathe your life into me', and then we see the man standing over her in the background, which we can perceive as him singing it to her. This is a very scary image still as we cannot tell from the distance of the camera who exactly this man is or what his intentions are.
6- This sixth image is again of the band, and like a lot of music videos, when the music picks up, or the chorus is about to come around, it cuts to a shot of the band performing so that the audience can see them. However once again the view is slightly obscured, so it adds to the mystery of the band, and why they are singing about breathing life into ''him''.
7- This image i have chosen is of a heart monitor and it is at a very clever time in the song. It is straight after the verse so it brings the audience into realisation about where the song/story is heading. However the monitor is not completely in the middle of the screen so it adds that eerie effect to the video.
8- This image I chose to screen shot because it is quite a nice camera shot of the person we perceive as being the patient, and the one that is supposedly in trouble. At this point in the song we start to see her eyes flicker as if she is awaking, but besides this she is still motionless laying on the bed.
9- This last image I chose I thought was very obscure as there are many pictures on the floor or this girl laying on the bed. This adds to the mystery of the story behind the song and the pictures are shown at the climax of the song, so it shows to the audience that this is a really important part of the story.
As you can tell, Red 'Breathe into me' does follow a conventional Rock genre music video, as it is very fast paced, quite dark and emotions are running high. Also the focus is mainly on that one girl, which a lot of rock videos like to do, is focus on one person.

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