Monday 5 September 2011

Analysis of Rock Video 1: Saosin 'You're not alone'

This song 'You're not alone' is performed by not such a well known rock band, and you can tell this as their Youtube views are few only just over 1million. However they still follow many conventions of a typical rock song. As you can see just from my screen shots, the video is very dark and there is no colour in the video what so ever. This adds to the story being very sad and sinister and about death. The lyrics in this song also relate to suicide, and the lyrics are trying to explain that there is always someone in a worse position than you, so hang in there and stay alive, as there is more to life than you think. 'There's more to this i know'.
1- The first image we see is very stereotypical of a rock video, as initially we see the remains of violence, as we see a man beaten up and left in an alley with ripped clothes. As this first image is in black and white we can tell that the rest of the video will be in black and white to give that olden day effect.
2- This second image is of showing the typical way of brutal life back in the olden days. We can also tell it is meant to be the olden days by there dress sence, hair styles and items we see in the background, such as old tele's and bicycles. This image also depicts violence as the main singer, who starts to sing in this scene is being held by 2 men either side of him, and it does not appear to be in friendly manner.
3- The third image I print screened i thought was rather interesting as it features a little girl sitting on the side of the road with a rather strange expression on her face. She appears to be giving the man being dragged down the street a dirty look, as if to show her dissapointment towards him. As she is sitting high up on a balcony type area, she appears to have a higher status than the main singer, which is strange as she is only a little girl.
4- This image shows the location of the video and the setting of where the story is set. We can tell it's quite a narrow, poverty stricken street and it does not look very luxury or clean. The street also seems pretty deserted besides the one man sitting on the stairs who appears to let the guys through.

5- This image features all of the band members playing together and the camera is at a high angle to show that maybe people are looking down on them. However, the lead singer is in the middle of the shot to show that he is most important, however each member does get a certain amount of solo screen time.
6- In this image, we meet the girl who the song appears to be about, as she seems to be at the doctors and receiving treatment or diagnosis for something or other. We can tell she is important and th story is about her as the only bit of colour on the video appears on her, as her shoulder is blue.
7- This image is a very important one in the story, as we see that after the doctor shakes his head as if to say 'she's not going to make it' the parents of the girl both have horrified looks as they know they are going to lose their daughter. This relates to stereotypical rock songs as emotions are running high and it is quite depressing.
8- This 8th image shows a death, which again reitterates the sad sinister mood that this song is meant to be creating. By the camera focusing on the death of this man, we (as the audience) are meant to assume that this is what is going to happen to this girl.
9- This last image is very powerful, as it seems that many people are dying and they are all going up to heaven together. This goes perfectly with the lyrics they are singing, being 'You're not alone' and that they will be together in heaven. The little stage at the bottom of the shot is where they are performing, and people from all around the town seem to be gathering there seeing off the dead.