Monday 5 September 2011

Analysis of Rock video 2: Evans Blue 'Erase my scars'

Evans Blue are yet another minor rock band that i have chosen as i think it is interesting to see how bands on smaller budgets try to stay within the stereotypical attributes of a rock video. As you can see from my screen shots, it is very dark and the mood does not look very happy.
1- The first image is of what we see first on the video, and it is of a man looking rather upset or discomforted. He is right in the centre of the screen and he appears first so we as the audience can tell he is going to be the main character behind this storyline. Usually also in Rock Videos's the lead singer is usually the main character behind the story, and in this case that is true.
2- The second image is of a T.V screen. Much like Eminem's song 'Mockingbird' He appears to be watching a video of what the audience perceive to be his child on T.V. The lyrics 'Erase my Scars' suggests he wants to forget his past and get on with life, maybe get back in touch with the child on the Screen.
3- The Third image is an important image that all rock video's contain and it is where the all the band members are seen together so that the audience know who is performing the song. However they are not shown normally in bright lights and on a stage, they are in a dark colour so you can barely make out their faces, and this adds to the mysteriousness of the band.
4- This image I thought was very impressive as it is of the drummer on a point in the song where he was most important, as this was where the song climaxed before the chorus. However it is not just a normal shot of the drummer, it is very slowed down so the impact of what he is doing is greater and the audience get that sense of emotion he us putting into his drumming.
5- This fifth image is again of the main character andthis time it appears he is blaming himslef for something, as the lyrics are very harsh and he is pointing to himself in an angry manner. The room behind him and his attire are both very dark and gloomy, which helps the audience to get into perspective the kind of depressing mood the song is in.
6- This image shows the main character with his head down as if he has caused all this mess himself, and he appears to be looking down in disbelief. In the background you can see the video of the little boy playing, almost looking at him and taunting him as if to say 'daddy it was all your fault'.
7- This is another 'band moment' and as the song hits a climax, it changes to the band and the big flash of light lights up the room. This is the first time we see a positive kind of light throughout the whole video and it is on the whole band, including the main character. This band are very good when performing together and they cannot do it without one another, so the best moments of the song show all the members of the band.
8- This is a close up of the lead guitarist and I thought this was a good idea to use this shot then as it showed how important he was at this specific time in the song. Also the rain and other gloomyness in the background make the emotions very depressing and unhappy which helps to translate the mood of the song to the audience.
9- This last image in the song is very powerful, as it shows that the main character/singer has given in to defeat as he is kneeling down and looking into the floor like there is nothing left for him. This is where the song starts to fade, and this can be interpreted as his dreams/ambitions of getting his child back fading.

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