Monday 26 September 2011

Conventions of my genre 'Grime'

There are many different conventions that are accumilated in the grime genre such as; clothing, locations and props that are used.
- Often in a lot of grime videos you see graffiti scattered around in certain places, this is to show the levels of social life in these certain areas, it also shows the lack of respect these artists have for their areas. Also by the use of graffiti people it shows to people watching the video that it's their 'ends'.

- The clothing worn in Grime and rap videos are very deliberate and carefully chosen. In more grime videos, a lot of things like airmax and new era hats are worn, this is to try and insiaute that they are a gangster or 'hardman'. Also things like baggy clothing are worn also to reitterate the point of them being gangster. However, this can work the opposite way also, as rappers such as Devlin where expenive retro clothing like 'Lyle and Scott' to show his wealth and "swagger".

-There are often many different props in grime/rap videos. A lot of things that are featured in rap/grime videos are often illegal. Things such as guns, knives and drugs are featured often in these genre songs as they are perceived as "hard" or "bad" because they are doing illegal things. often a kind of negative attitude is also shown towards the police, as if the police are the bad guys in the video.

-In the video are often lots of things that rappers and grime artists show as objects. Often there are many nice cars and other expensive objects such as gold chains and "bling" to portray the wealth of the character. Also in many videos, women are shown unfairly, as they are portrayed as almost like a possession. There is a lot instances where women are portrayed in a negative light, and they are often referred to as "bitches". The girls are often dressed scantily clad which reiterates the point of them being treated unfairly. As well as them being exploited for the music video, it also offends religions such as he muslim faith, as women are not aloud to show there bodies to anybody except their husband.  This video is a perfect example of this, as there are many girls featuring in the video that are dressed inappropriately and seem to be getting "used" by the popular rapper.

-A lot of grime/rap videos are quite high paced and contain a variety of shots which are edited off and on the beat to create a specific effect on the viewer. Often when you see a grime/rap video it isn't just the singer or rapper in the video, he usually has a lot of his 'mates' behind him, in order to make him look popular and resepected. In the picture below, you can see that Devlin is in the centre of the frame which shows that he has the highest status in the "gang" and that by having boys either side of him, shows he is the leader.

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