Monday 10 October 2011

Song Details

The song we have chosen as a group is Lock The Locks by The Streets.

We have chosen the song as we all find it quite different to the majority of other songs from our genre. Our song is much slower paced and contains very meaningful lyrics. Not only does Mike Skinner sing in our song, but we also have a featuring female artist, and this helps to attract a wider variety of audience and appeal to a much wider range of people. However by the meaningful story behind the lyrics it helps to portray this characters life out in a story, which we will try to put across to the audience in the form of a music video. The challenge will be having an equal amount of lip syncing and acting contained in our music video, as if it's too boring, the viewers will get viewer fatigue, and will not want to watch anymore of our music video. Although the streets is a fairly popular artist, a lot of his work goes unnoticed by people who are not familiar with his kind of urban genre, so in our group we decided to portray his work in a way so that many people are able to enjoy the music video, even if the music taste isn't quite to their ordinary. Many different locations will be needed when referring to our video as the lyrics talk about many different places such as his house and the pub, which we will clearly need to portray when creating our music video. In order to keep within the genre and the sort of style incorporated within the streets, we will need to keep our costumes and locations similiar to that of other 'the streets' videos, such as the hoodies and jeans in the launderette in his song, 'Dry Your Eyes Mate'. This will mean keeping to the conventions of our rap genre, rather than majorly challenging them. We will have to be very organised and plan out strategically which costmes will be used at certain locations, and give valid reasons for our choices made. I am looking forward to creating a music video for this song, as it will give me a chance to experiment and get into Mike Skinner's shoes, and have a chance to portray my take on the song over to our target audience.

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