Tuesday 11 October 2011


When thinking about the concept of our music video, we need to ensure that we are fully aware of what is needed, and why regarding to locations, genre and props. When planning out what props to use, we decided that we were to keep it fairly simple, in order not to distract the audiences attentions away from what's actually important, which is the lyrics and the lip syncing. However, props that commonly appeared when devising our plan were; cigarettes, beer and a pool table. The reason these things were suggested, was due to the fact that our song is very much about this guy wasting his life away, and typical locations would be in a bar/pub, therefore would be a perfeect situtation to incoporate the beer and cigarettes into. Other featuring props to be included would be things such as betting slips, and fruit machines, reasons being because in the lyrics he talks about gambling and wasting all his money away.

Our genre was had to classify, so we classed it as rap/urban, and such artists that we fit into this category were Plan B, Jamie T and The Streets. There are many conventions of this genre that we will have to stick to when creating our video, being that the main artists features greatly in the majority of the video, and that the clothing that needs to be worn will be considered quite chavvy and common. Such items will be hoodies, jeans and common shoes such as Vans.  

Locations that would be quite relevant to our genre would include things such as a launderette, pub, a house (for the waking up sequence), grimey settings, skate parks and other such locations.
The launderette could be a key focus in our video, as not only could we bass some of our music video there, we could incoporate an image from there into our digipak or make our advertisement out of it, as this is similiar to when 'The Streets' used this setting in his song 'Dry Your Eyes Mate', it fits in with the genre because it was rundown and scruffy, which will be perfect for our characters mood, being run down and unmotivated to do anything.
Also in the song, there is a lot of focus around him messing his life up and gambling on too many bets, thus we will need to include many gambling situations, for example in the betting shop, or on the fruit machine in the pub.

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