Monday 10 October 2011

Final Assessment for 'RESEARCH' section - Oct 10th

  • Well done for going back through teacher feedback quite carefully and investing a last minute effort to improve your blog Ryan - It needed it! - You really have improved many of those IN's to something which looks much better, and shows a greater level of effort and time investment - THIS NEEDS TO CONTINUE.
  • All posts have been generally improved in some way - the blog is overall quite visual, with a good use of contact  sheets.
  • Most written comments make sense, and show a general grasp of media language - although not all written analysis seems genuinely thoughful and reflective.
ebi (for Planning & Evaluation Sections now):
  • Time management MUST IMPROVE - this is part of the assessment criteria - don't leave it until the last minute again Ryan
  • Always think of ways (and be prepared to allow yourself time) to really come up with creative and unique ways to present each posts - make sure you use functions like the YouTube tagging feature, or a voice over commentary to talk through any analytical posts. Use JING to 'show' technical skill - this will boost your mark in this aspect of your blog. You should have been making use of gif's and other more creative ways to communicate your Planning and ideas - this all takes time - but that's the expectation.
  • Be super organised in the Planning stages of your music video now - None of your work over the coming weeks can be thrown together - you will need to storyboard, plan effectively, try out lighting, etc, etc... Always document this and keep on top of blog posts. You cannot afford to get any more referrals.
  • Bring correct equipment (folder / pen) to show you are investing effort in the lessons and coming to classes prepared to focus and make progress every day
  • You need to clearly LABEL all of your posts under 'Research' and 'Planning'
Overall mark for RESEARCH section: Mid Level 3... could develop into Level 4 for 'Research & Planning' if you invest every effort into creating brilliant posts for 'Planning' - You need to use class time much more efficiently Ryan, and be more preapred to come in to Media in your STUDY periods to continue to work on your posts and make them creative, original.

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