Friday 10 February 2012

Advert Conventions 2

Here is another album advertisement from another artist from our sort of genre Drake.
- As you can see the main focus on this advertisement is of the main artist, which in this case is Drake. You can tell what the designer has wanted the audience to focus on, by having the giant font at the top, in bold block capitals saying 'Drake' and below it, Drake himself, looking quite wealthy and upper class. This not only shows the audience who the album is by, but also creates a kind of aspirational lifestyle for the audience as he is shown here wearing black, but the props with him, the candle, cup and quill he is holding are all in gold, which is perceived as a rich and powerful colour.

The text contained on this album cover is plain and white which may be seen as boring, however, it does its job which is to inform the audience about his album and the key information that is needed. However, the signature of Drake, written in gold shows that he is different from what is perceived as in his genre, usually quite dull and tatty looking, much like 'The Streets' tries to convey. Although he appears to be challenging many conventions of the rap/urban genre, he does adhere to many typical ideas and conventions of his genre, being that the artist is the main focus of the advert. The text being in white also seems to be a popular colour for this kind of effect as with the streets as well the text is in white, and also at the bottom of the shot.

The setting chosen here for the shot of Drake seems to be out of the norm for his urban styled genre, as usually, looking at artists such as The Streets, Plan B and Devlin, many locations are perceived lower class and maybe quite grimey. For example, where Devlin's album, 'Buds Sweat and Beers' features him standing up against a plain boring wall with his foot against it. However, by the use of this setting it creates a questioning kind of feeling towards this album coveer, so therefore enticing the audience to listen to the album.

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