Wednesday 11 January 2012

Mood Board Genre

Here is a mood bood that I created of Mike Skinner and other artists, such as Plan B. As you can see the same sort of pattern is evident throughout, like the grimy kind of urban setting. Even in the bottom right hand picture where he appears to be in a more rural area, you can still see the lampost, relating it back to an urban area. In the majority of 'the streets' album covers you can see landscape figures, and quite obvious deliberate choice of setting. For example, in the top left one, you just have a plain old building, however he has made it look interesting an different by having it dead in the centre of the frame, and also by having some of the lights on, it adds to the mystery of the front cover. Also as you can see he has the trademark lighter on the bottom left of the screen and this pattern features on al of the streets' front covers in different colours.

Even with Mike Skinner's dress sense, you can tell the sort of environment he likes to film in, as there is a grimey atmosphere and a run down environment. This relates to the name of the artist 'the streets' as many people in this type of genre use the kind of environments that Mike Skinner uses. The graffitti and writing on the walls represents the un cared for poor quality area and this usually connotates the kind of background these artists come from, and the reaccuring locations throughout such music videos. His name is clever and relates to his album cover, as clearly the buildings featured in many of them are on the street, and even ones without bulidings, like the bus shelters and cars, you are still able to see the street featured in the picture.

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