Tuesday 8 November 2011

Assessment - Final Planning check 08th Nov SJA


  • Ryan, very good to see you have changed some posts to fit the new song you have chosen. 
  • Post on 'technical tutorials' is very good - I am pleased you have responded to some of my earlier feedback
  • I really liked your photoshop work on Advert Designs. Really good layout, use of colour and stylised effects. Looks very 'urban' and suits your genre well. I hope you continue down this direction for your digipak cover design.
  • You still have al arge  amount of work to do to get this section of your blog complete and up to an 'B' standard Ryan. You have the 3 hours in lesson today - and that is it. I do understand that your group had a change of song, but there is not a great deal of evidence to suggest that you have spent enough time outside of lessons on developing posts and changing planning to suit your new song. 
  • Lots of posts are missing and your group needs to work together to get these sorted out today:
  • - Roles - needs developing. I don't really want to see a picture of you holding a can Ryan - take it seriously please and think carefully about the specific roles you, nathan and jack are going to take on. Pics of everyone needed - and clear explanation of what and why people are allocated certain roles.
  • - Song details - missing?
  • - Lyrics Annotation / Image Annotation / Concept - all of these need updating for your new song
  • - Storyboards?
  • - Props / costumes - missing?
  • - Location shots - these have no written explanation? I have no idea from this post what you intend to do at each location - it is just a collection of images that are meaningless. Why did you choose these locations? How do these locations represent your artist? I can see that these photos are just from Google images - you need to make the effort to scout out your own locations for filming interior and exterior shots - and actually bother to go and take photos of these...
  • - Shooting schedule - missing? (We will not let your group go anywhere to film without these posts complete)
  • - Location permission letters?
  • - Talent release form?
  • - Track permission letter?
Lots of work to do Ryan. You achieved an 'A' in media last year - but this was primarily because you were in a group that planned out the film sequence so thoroughly and meticulously, and this paid off in a really successful film... You were very lucky to be a part of that group - and I think you know that. You wanted to be with your friends to shoot the music video - but it will only be successful if all of you are prepared to plan thoroughly and think every detail through.

Currently there is so much work missing from your blog, I have to mark it as Improvement Needed
You have 3 hours to complete to a 'B' / 'A' standard today. This is actually possible - your group needs to stop wasting time and develop a far more mature approach to completing work. If you understand this, you can work together to get the work done.


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