Friday 11 November 2011

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Talent Release Forms

Assessment - Final Planning check 08th Nov SJA


  • Ryan, very good to see you have changed some posts to fit the new song you have chosen. 
  • Post on 'technical tutorials' is very good - I am pleased you have responded to some of my earlier feedback
  • I really liked your photoshop work on Advert Designs. Really good layout, use of colour and stylised effects. Looks very 'urban' and suits your genre well. I hope you continue down this direction for your digipak cover design.
  • You still have al arge  amount of work to do to get this section of your blog complete and up to an 'B' standard Ryan. You have the 3 hours in lesson today - and that is it. I do understand that your group had a change of song, but there is not a great deal of evidence to suggest that you have spent enough time outside of lessons on developing posts and changing planning to suit your new song. 
  • Lots of posts are missing and your group needs to work together to get these sorted out today:
  • - Roles - needs developing. I don't really want to see a picture of you holding a can Ryan - take it seriously please and think carefully about the specific roles you, nathan and jack are going to take on. Pics of everyone needed - and clear explanation of what and why people are allocated certain roles.
  • - Song details - missing?
  • - Lyrics Annotation / Image Annotation / Concept - all of these need updating for your new song
  • - Storyboards?
  • - Props / costumes - missing?
  • - Location shots - these have no written explanation? I have no idea from this post what you intend to do at each location - it is just a collection of images that are meaningless. Why did you choose these locations? How do these locations represent your artist? I can see that these photos are just from Google images - you need to make the effort to scout out your own locations for filming interior and exterior shots - and actually bother to go and take photos of these...
  • - Shooting schedule - missing? (We will not let your group go anywhere to film without these posts complete)
  • - Location permission letters?
  • - Talent release form?
  • - Track permission letter?
Lots of work to do Ryan. You achieved an 'A' in media last year - but this was primarily because you were in a group that planned out the film sequence so thoroughly and meticulously, and this paid off in a really successful film... You were very lucky to be a part of that group - and I think you know that. You wanted to be with your friends to shoot the music video - but it will only be successful if all of you are prepared to plan thoroughly and think every detail through.

Currently there is so much work missing from your blog, I have to mark it as Improvement Needed
You have 3 hours to complete to a 'B' / 'A' standard today. This is actually possible - your group needs to stop wasting time and develop a far more mature approach to completing work. If you understand this, you can work together to get the work done.


Sunday 6 November 2011

Possible Locations

This shot represents a park area which is in around Autumn when it is cold. The reason we took this picture is because this will be the weather we will be filming in and we would like to exaggerate the colours of the leaves as they will be part of our colour scheme. Also the emptiness of the area adds to the effect and mood of 'loneliness'. Additionally, it suits the genre and mood of the song as its not a fast paced rhythm, it's a slow based one with a lot of feeling in the lyrics. So by choosing areas like this as such, it will give us a great opportunity to do panning shots, off-cuts and many more. The shot we are looking to film here is a line or two of the third verse and he the actor would be basically walking sidewards on to the camera (which will walk along side him) and the actor will lip sync whilst looking forward and maybe glimpsing at the camera for effect.

Worcester Park: We are going to film in Worcester park high street as we know this high street is pretty busy, and it also contains many every day stores and shops. This location is essential for our music video as our video is stereotypical everyday lfie for this man who our song is about. We thought that specifically we could use this certain part of Worcester park as there is a grocery store right beside where we filmed, and this was very relevant and related to our song, as it is fast paced fiesty kind of store. We thought that if we could get our song to relate to true life as much as possible this may help more of our viewers to try and fit themselves into the song.

Hamptons: Hamptons will be used in our video as part of the chorus where I will be lip syncing as the scenery around there is very nice, and will provide the viewer enjoyment and aesthetic appreciation of the outdoors when watching our video. It is seen as quite a posh and well looked after place, and as my character is in a bad way, I will be at the top of the hill, looking down upon the going's on around me as if everyone is in a better position than me. Being on top of the hill will create a real contrast with the lyrics as they will be saying "Lost it all to this life" and by being up high it suggests the main character is in a high authority position, when infact he is at a sort of all time low.

Home: Another location that we will have is in my home as the start of the song talks about the main character waking up in the story behind the lyrics. The footage filmed in my house will not be long, however it is necessary for out video to begin with. The initial waking up of the main character is key to the storyline as the lyrics and the mood of the song suggests that the days happenings for this character are pretty routine and he seems stuck in the cycle and cannot get out. The props in this sequence will need to be specifically placed in order for the audience to get the initial storyline.

The second location is of London. We believe that using this popular location will be very beneficial as it has a lot to offer. For example, London has plenty of lovely sceneries which would make get frames and shots. In the photograph it shows the houses of parliament which is a popular destination, and by including it in our music video, it gives an opportunity for people to relate themselves to the location. This location could be used for multiple purposes but it could be specifically used for filler shots and establishing shots. At night time London offers a beautiful and attractive appearance which will make our music video look even more appealing

This is another location that could be specifically used when lip syncing. Our idea around using this as a location is by filming the busy background and then using that onto a green screen and then gets someone to lip sync over it. This effective will look as if the singer is there at the time whilst everyone is walking around. The background footage will be sped up, therefore making the singer stand out and put to the centre of attention.

Album Advert Design Ideas

This is an example of an album advert design. This advert is only a draft and includes only a few of many ideas. As you can see we have included an urban and street theme throughout, which can easily noticed by the types of costume and also the font type. The clothing on the characters is very casual such as jeans, jumpers, trainers etc. The font is very basic but as a slight bubble effect added to it to make it seem appealing to a younger audience.

Furthermore, another feature that allows the audience to understand the street and urban theme and genre is the silhouette in the background. For example, this is a silhouette of a city which could also have connotations to where some of their music videos are shot. Also the black silhouette contrasts very effectively allowing the colours of the costumes to stand out more and make them the centre of attention. Not only the clothing but the title contrasts well, which also makes it stand out and catch the audience’s eye. For example, blue and red are completely opposite colours causing them to stand out against one another, and attract the audience to read the title, which is also the band name.

Moreover, the use of rule of thirds is very significant. For example, the three characters are equally spread apart on the album advert meaning that they are all caught by the audience’s eye

Brand Identity Planning Sheet

This is our brand identity planning sheet. As you can see it includes many of our ideas including:

· The messages that we want to get across to our audience

· What our band is about

· What type of genre we perform music to

· Font details and ideas

· Design elements

· Target audience

Costume Ideas

This is an image that I have drawn to show different types of costumes that could feature within our music video. For example, this character is show wearing a smart suit, which seems as if he is going out somewhere nice or dressing to impress.

The character is wearing a dark blue suit jacket with smart brown trousers and black polished shoes. This could be an idea of a costume within our music video when the main character goes to see the girl at the train station.

Moreover, we are also thinking of casual clothing to reflect on the urban and street theme. For example the image above is an example of a costume that could work well within our music video. For instance, this costume includes a hooded coat. Hoods are often stereotyped with gang culture and kids on streets, hence why we have included this coat as it could work well with our genre and theme. Also, I have included chinos as part of the costume. I specifically chose these as these are a current high street fashion, meaning that it could appeal to you a young and current market. Lastly, they are wearing boat shoes. These are also a popular trend with the target audience that we are trying to appeal to, hence why it is important to include things like this

Photo Shoot Schedule

This is a photo shoot schedule which shows the times and date and what we will need for each photo shoot. For example, on 4/11/2011 we have chosen that we going to a busy high street such as Oxford Street, and we will need props, costumes, and equipment including smart and casual clothing, hats, and a still camera.

Creating a photo shoot schedule makes things much more organised, which therefore allows you to know what you are going to be doing on those certain days.

Album Cover Design ideas

Here is another example of an album that I have created. In this example it uses a variety of effects including colour contrast which makes it look very effective and different to others. Moreover, instead of making the whole cover black and white I made sure that I kept the band name in red. I purposely did this to ensure that it stood out against the black background.

Advert Design Draft


Here is an album advert which I created. I created this album advert through the programme called Photoshop. To enable the way that it looks now I had to use a variety of effects and features that Photoshop has to offer. For example, I firstly imported the photo to Photoshop. I then used previous knowledge to apply a range of effects to the picture to make it look effective and appealing. Moreover, I then had to download a suitable font type from ‘daFont’ which I thought would be suitable and attracting to a variety of audiences. After doing this I then put it all together making sure that it looked professional and appealing. For a few extra pieces I extracted the ministry of sound logo and the blackberry barcode scanner to the album advert. By including little extra’s such as the Blackberry barcode enables you to appeal to a younger audience, as data shows that the majority of Blackberry’s are used by people between the age gaps of (16-20). In addition, the use of the ministry of sound logo makes the band and album advert look much more alluring as customers can then see that it is a professional. example
Photoshop - Apple Mac