Tuesday 8 May 2012

Evaluation Question 4 -Part 2

Here you can see where I have uploaded our final video to my Facebook page in order for me to be able to gain comments and feedback about what went well and what not so well. By looking at this image you can really see the power and control of these social network sites, as the video had been uploaded onto the Facebook, and in 45 minutes, I had already gained 7 comments. From having read the detailed comments left on the video, I have taken into consideration that the lip syncing was not so good, as many people have picked up on the fact that it is not brilliant and in some places it is out of time.
However, from looking at all the positive comments on this video, Jack and  I can say we succeeded in creating a video specific to our genre and one that contains certain needed aspects to make a good viewing for the audience. Quite a few people commented on the performance, which was very important to me especially, as it was me performing and it made me feel as if I had done a good job in order to portray our genre well enough, and effectively so the audience could tell what message we were trying to convey.
Another positive piece of feedback we received was about the locations we used and I was also proud of this too, as we took a lot of time picking the correct places to film our scenes, as we wanted to best represent our genre and our character, by not challenging the audiences thinking, and by feeding them the knowledge to stereotype our character. Because we used everyday environments this allowed us to explore and concentrate more on our use of costume and due to the fact that we were trying to convey this poor living standard, and low class in society we used various things such as Hooded jumpers and casual jeans.Even during the going out scene, our main character was still in a v neck jumper and vans, rather than in a smart shirt and trousers.
We have also received compliments on the way we have composed our shots and the way that they were set up, and this too gives me encouragement and makes me feel proud of my work, as Jack and I know that all of the shots were done the way they were for a reason. Some personal feedback on myself is needed too though as some of the shots at the beginning we're quite wobbly and if we were to film this task again I would ensure we used proper equipment and took a lot more time perfecting shorter shots.
The comments about the lip syncing being out of time isn't necessarily my fault, as when we rendered the video on Final Cut the lip syncing was in time, however when we uploaded it the footage to YouTube and other places the sound wasn't quite in time, but taking this into consideration next time I will be aware of what errors could occur so therefore prepare for this to happen.

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