Wednesday 31 August 2011

Analysis of Pop video 1: 'Rain over me' Pitbull & Marc Anthony

Rain over me is a very good pop song featuring Pitbull and Marc Anthony. It is a very conventional way to portray a pop song as it contains many desired items for men, such as nice cars and attractive women. This is a very easy and widely used way of attracting men to the video and appealing to them. As this song is a very upbeat song, there is a lot of quick cuts between shots.
1- In the first shot, we can see where the song and scene is introduced. it is kind of like an establishing shot in a film, as it is a very high up shot, showing the environment of where the video is being shot. This is commong in many music vidoes, as the audience need to establish where it is being set. As well as the area being shown, it also contains the title of the song, so the audience immediately know what song they are about to listen to.
2- The second shot I chose, is very sterotypical for a man's pop song, as it contains a very nice sports car which is used to appeal to the male audience watching the video, as they can aspire to be as successful as the artist and own a nice car like the one in the video. The choice of the colour Blue is effective as well, as one of the ladies featured in the video is also Blue and this shows that 2 desired things/people from the Video are equally as good as eachother in this man's eyes.
3- In this screen shot, you can see a very attractive looking lady, and this is clearly used to attract the male characters as she is looking lustfully out of the window in what appears to be 'a search for the man singing the song' Pitbull.
4- In this 4th picture we can actually see where the women is, and that she appears to already have a man, but that maybe she is not happy with him, so is looking out in lust for anotyher man to treat her properly.
5- Here we can see both male characters in the same shot, and very sterotypically for rich music artists in videos, they are both in white, which portrays their rich and pure background. Also you can see the luxury car behind the guy on the left which extends the luxury of the shot.
6- In a lot of Music videos, animals feature and these help to portray the mood of the video, and help to kind of tell the story of the music. In this Music video we can see a snake and a scorpion, which suggests a very sinister nature to the story, but it also fits in with the desert environment that they are in, as it would be quite obscure to see something like a white rabbit in his arms for example.
7- This shot contradicts what we have previously seen with the bright and barron conditions as we see here 2 ladies dancing in front of 2 men, and it is raining, which is reiterating the song name. By the way ther is 2 women dancing in front of the 2 men, it is like a fairytale kind of ending as the 2 men have finally got what the wanted which was the 2 women.
8- In the majority of Music vidoes there is a scene of intimacy, and shown here is just that, as Pitbull appears to be showing his love to this women, however rarely in music vidoes do the 2 people actually kiss, which adds to the mystery of is it really true love or is it just for show.
9- The last shot here shows the 2 men together singing the song. This happens 90% of the time, as the story is equally as important as the song, so the singing has to be shown as well as the story, or the story would be pointless without the words being sung.

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